REGISTER HERE FOR 2025 (Opens on Jan 5 @ 12:00)
Our Learn to Ride program is an evidence based cycling course designed to teach children with coordination challenges or other special needs how to ride a two-wheeled bicycle without training wheels. Over the course of six sessions, children with no previous success at riding a bicycle develop the skills and confidence to ride unassisted. We accept children 8 years old and up regardless of diagnosis (or lack thereof), and have a very high success rate. A referral by a person familiar with motor development and of the program (e.g. school physio or occupational therapist) is required. Courses are also offered in several other communities across the province.
You Can Ride 2 was initially conceptualized in 2001 by a pediatric physiotherapist. The program continues to be improved with partnerships with other health professionals (e.g. speech pathologists and occupational therapists), cycling educators, mechanical experts, and the expertise of the parents and children we work with. It is strongly based on motor learning theory and in 2014, a research project looking at teaching cycling to children with a cognitive disability was completed. We are always looking for volunteers and appreciate feedback.
Learning to Ride a two-wheeler
Who can access the program?
- Children over the age of 8 that are not yet able to ride a 2-wheeler without training wheels
- Able to pedal independently, without pedal modifications
- Able to brake, steer and follow directions
- Able to walk without walking aids (e.g., canes, walker)
- Sees a medical professional such as Physio or Occupational Therapist. Please email if you do not have a therapist working with your child.
What do I have to do to register?
- PART 1: Click here to register. Registration opens on January 5, 2025 at 12:00 PM (noon).
- You will need the name and contact information of a therapist (PT, OT), Adapted PhysEd consultant or clinic coordinator (e.g., nurse) that would know your child enough to fill out a referral. An email will automatically be sent to them once you register.
- If you do not have a therapist working with your child, please contact
- PART 2: You will need to attend an assessment to ensure your child meets the criteria for this program.
What is the cost of the course?
- The full cost to participate in the course is $200. Up to $175 may be refunded if the family volunteers with YCR2 and funds are received to support running the program.
- All children will be fit with a harness. Families can be refunded the equipment deposit at the end of the course
- If the cost of the program presents a barrier, families can apply for a full or partial sponsorship (please contact after registering for more info).
- NOTE: bikes may also be available through Sport Central. We are set up as a referrer for Sport Central; contact if you believe you qualify.
Where is the course located?
- The assessment and orientation prior to the class starting will take place at the Goodwill Impact Centre (11415 168 Street) in the Community Engagement Centre.
- Our Learn To Ride course will run out of the parking lot at Goldbar Park (10955 50 Street).
What times does the course run?
- Learn to Ride events occur on six Thursday evenings from May through June.
- The exact start time will vary depending on your child’s needs.
How can I volunteer to help out?
Learn to Ride, You Can Ride 2 [New Brunswick]
Email Sue Lawton to Register Today: