
From March 1- August 31, 2024, make your donation go even further! Select “Goodwill Industries of Alberta”

March 1-August 31, 2024: Make your donation go further with Rogers Birdies for Kids Presented by AltaLink, matched up to 50%!

Ensure to click “Goodwill Industries of Alberta” when donating through the Roger’s website

YCR2 is an independent program of Goodwill Industries of Alberta. We receive no financial support from Goodwill and rely entirely on donations to help children with special needs ride adapted bikes. We can issue a tax receipt for any monetary donation of $20 or more.

YCR2 depends on your support for necessary equipment required to keep YCR2 in operation: adapted bikes, specialized repair parts, organizational software, and storage space.

Donate today!

You Can Ride 2 is supported entirely by donations from people like you.

Donate by Canada Helps – here

When donating please ensure to select “You Can Ride 2” [Not General.] If you are donating on behalf of someone in our program, please add a dedication with the rider’s name

Donate by Credit Card

You have the option to check the box “Make this gift on behalf of an organization” and enter the family’s name. This way, we can make sure the donation goes to supporting that family.

Tax receipts from online donations will come from CanadaHelps, not Goodwill Industries of Alberta.

Donate by Cheque

Cheques are made out to Goodwill Industries of Alberta. Please use the memo to indicate this is a YCR2 donation and if it is being made in honour of a particular family.

Cheques can be received in person at one of our events, or delivered by mail to:

Goodwill Impact Center ATTN: You Can Ride 2
11415 168 St NW
Edmonton, AB T5M 3S1

Donate in Person

We accept cash donations and in-kind donations (i.e. bikes, program supplies) at many of our events. However, if you intend to do so, please contact beforehand so we can be set up to receive these donations. We cannot accept cash or in-kind donations without prior arrangement.

We do accept donations of adaptive or supportive bikes, but we cannot accept donations of conventional bikes at this time. Please consider donating conventional bikes to one of the following locations instead:

Adaptive bikes donated to YCR2 may be added to our fleet directly, stripped for parts, donated to a family in need, or sold to support program operations, at our discretion.

Sponsor a Child or an Event

You, or your company, could seek to sponsor a child or an event. Sponsors receive special recognition. Please contact for sponsorship packages for information about our various sponsorship levels.

Your financial support will help build an inclusive community so all children with special needs can enjoy the freedom and joy of riding a bike.

Check our gallery of current sponsors here!

Donor Recognition

We make a point of recognizing all of our donors, no matter how small. If you would rather remain anonymous, we will respect that wish.

Larger donations are recognized by a spot on the Donor Wall in the Goodwill Impact Centre, as well as in Goodwill Industries of Alberta’s annual reports. Sponsors also appear on this wall, visible to all participating families, guests, and media attending our events.

You Can Ride 2’s Donor Wall